
To be admitted to the courses of the Nino Rota Conservatoire of Music of Monopoli it is mandatory to pass an admission test.

The enrolment procedure is exclusively online through the ISIDATA platform according to the notice published annually.

The tests differ according to the course chosen. All admission programmes are published in Study> Study programs.

Enrolment fee for admission

A fee is required to register for the admission test.

For further information, please visit Admission Examination Fees

Registration for admission examinations for DSA/Disabled students

The enrolment procedure is exclusively online using the ISIDATA platform according to the notice published annually.

In the personal data form, the option “student with DSA/disability” must be ticked, and it will be necessary to attach the appropriate certification to the student file.

In the “Notes” section of the personal data form, you may request a tutor during the admission exam.

For further information, see the Didattica Speciale page.

The term matriculation refers to enrolment for the first time on study courses (for subsequent years it is referred to as renewal of enrolment).

It is possible to proceed with enrolment only after receiving official confirmation of enrolment from the teaching secretary’s office (any qualification acquired at the time of the admission test does not indicate automatic access to the Conservatoire) with simultaneous presentation of the provisions for payment of the fees and contributions envisaged. For information, consult the Fees Regulations under the heading Fees

Types of enrolment

For Level I and II Academic courses only, different types of enrolment are defined in relation to the study plan

  • The annual study plan: a standard study plan of 60 Academic Credit Units (ACU – CFA in the Italian academic system); it is not possible to exceed the above-mentioned number of credits for each Academic Year;
  • The reduced study plan for educational debt students with educational debt for Level I Academic Courses only, with a study plan for a maximum of 35 ACU;
  • students with a reduced study plan (students enrolled at another university, working students, students enrolled in upper secondary school), with a minimum study plan of 25 ACU and less than 60 ACU.

Enrolment for DSA/Disabled students

The enrolment procedures are identical to those described above.

At the time of enrolment, interested parties must present the certificate of the Medical Commission of first instance showing the degree of disability to the Secretariat.

For further information, please visit the Special Education page

Enrolment for foreign students (non-EU)

The rules set out in the “Procedures for the access of foreign/international students to higher education courses in Italy” apply to all foreign students and can be consulted at www.studiarein-italia.it for further information.

At the time of enrolment for each year of the course, foreign students are obliged to hand over the receipt of the residence permit application to the competent sector. Further information is provided in the A.A. 2023/2024 Fees Regulations.

For further information, please visit the Foreign Students page

The enrolment procedure is exclusively online with the ISIDATA platform according to the notice published annually.

In order to proceed with the enrolment renewal, make the payment of the respective fees and enrolment contributions and prepare the study plan, it will be necessary to access your private profile.

Students and parents (underage students), who do not yet have access credentials, are advised to consult and complete the following form to request access data:

ISIDATA Access Data Request Form


Fees and contributions for enrolment renewal

The renewal procedure involves the payment of fees and contributions as specified in the Fees and Contributions Regulations.

For further information see Fees and Contributions for Enrolment Renewal.

Types of enrolment renewal

Different types of enrolment renewal are defined for Level I and II courses, each involving specific study plan types:

  • The annual study plan: standard study plan of 60 Academic Credit Units (ACU – CFA in the Italian academic system); it is not possible to exceed the above-mentioned number of credits per A.Y.
  • students with a reduced study plan (students enrolled at another university, working students, students enrolled in upper secondary school), with a minimum study plan of 25 ACU and less than 60 ACU.