Piano Course – Propaedeutic

Established pursuant to Ministerial Decree 382/2018, these are statutory courses aimed at the acquisition of the skills necessary for students to gain access, after passing the entrance examination, to the Level I Academic Diploma Courses (Three-year course). The duration of the Propaedeutic Courses will not exceed three years.

At the end of the propaedeutic course, at the student’s request, a certificate will be issued attesting to the study programme carried out, the achievement of the training objectives, the tests passed and the duration of the course itself.

Propaedeutic system

The transition from one year to the next occurs automatically.

The acquisition of skills and the attainment of objectives are to be referred to the Level I admission programme to be developed over a maximum of two/three years of the propaedeutic course.

Propaedeutic Admission


  1. Performance, at the commission’s choice, of one Etude from among the four presented by the candidate, at least two of which taken from the following works: Heller op.47, Pozzoli 24 studi di facile meccanismo, Czerny op.636 and 849, Clementi Preludi ed Esercizi, Duvernoy op.120, Bertini op.100, or from the collections of Etudes included in the following cycles;
  2. performance, at the choice of the commission, of one piece by J.S. Bach from among three presented by the candidate, including at least one Invention for two voices;
  3. performance of a complete Sonatina or a first movement of a Sonata from the Classical period
  4. performance of a freely chosen piece from Schubert onwards.
For information on admissions, please visit the “Registration” page
The detailed timetable for the admission examinations will be published in a separate notice.


For information on enrolment, please visit the “Registration” page
For information on enrolment, please visit “International > Foreign Students
For information on enrolment, please visit the “Fees” page

Enrolment in years following the first

For information on enrolment renewal, please visit the “Registration” page of the website
For information on enrolment renewal, please visit the “Fees” page of the website


The Academic Year begins on 1 November of each year and ends on 31 October of the following year. The academic calendar is issued by the Director, by resolution of the Academic Council, normally by 31 May.

Each training activity may entail different methods of conduct and interaction between students and lecturers. In particular, there may be individual face-to-face lessons, collective face-to-face lessons, practice lectures, laboratories, practical, distance and intensive activities, training courses, seminars, projects, artistic productions, reports and production of texts and hypertexts, including multimedia, guided or autonomous individual study activities, tutoring, self-assessment and other activities.


All propaedeutic course examinations take place in the summer and autumn session.

Students wishing to take the Level I admission examinations must take the examinations in the summer session only.

The examinations envisaged for the propaedeutic course that are essential for admission to Level I are:

  • the final examination of the school of reference only following an application for admission (ATTENTION! The application cannot be made from the current ISIDATA profile of Propaedeutics);
  • the certification exam of Rhythmic Theory and Musical Perception;
  • the Elements of Harmony certification exam

All further disciplines require aptitude (they are not essential for access to Level I but only for the acquisition of the final Propaedeutic Certificate).

The Propaedeutic Certificate is acquired only after taking all the examinations and aptitudes envisaged in one’s course of study.

Students who register for the admission test for Level I courses are exempt from booking examinations. The marks obtained from the proficiency tests taken in the admission exam will be evaluated both for admission to the 1st Level and simultaneously reported as a final evaluation in the Propaedeutic course, provided that the attendance obligations are met.

The examination is considered passed if the candidate achieves a mark of at least 60 hundredths.

Students who wish to acquire the Propaedeutic certificate and do not intend to continue their studies with admission to Level I must book the examinations provided for in these regulations by the dates indicated by the teaching secretariat. Students who receive a negative result in the summer session may reapply in the autumn session for a re-examination.

The exams envisaged for the propaedeutic course that are fundamental for access to Level I are

– the final exam of the school of reference

– the certification exam of Rhythmic Theory and Musical Perception;

– the Elements of Harmony certification exam.

All further disciplines require eligibility.

The Propaedeutic Certificate is acquired only after taking all the examinations and aptitudes envisaged in one’s course of study.